Tuesday, January 31, 2012

it is pretty, but is it art....

one might say that it is the million dollar question, what makes a thing a piece of art...

does it have to be made by somebody that has spent 3-5 years in some art scool af various fame or can anybody with a spray can and a few good ideas be called an artist?

what are the criterias for being an artist? what makes a man/woman an artist? dose it even have to be a human being?

can video art be called art, or do you have to paint like the masters if old? is the graffiti on the subway tunnel as much art as the guernica by Picasso? i have no answers only more questions!

instead, let`s se if you think this is art....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Never am i going to start a blog. That is for shallow blond bimbos vith duck faces and titts bigger than the first a-bomb. Or maybe  fashion fachists with to much time on their hands who sails the sea of diarrhea called the bloggospheare.... How wrong was i...

Well i found out that there are so much more out here, like art, costom motorcykles, tabletop gaming, beer,pro wrestling and other stuff that make life worth living. So here i am, trying to make a contribution. This blog will be about all that makes life worth living, cheers!