Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The importance of making stuff!

We rush trough everyday life in a fast pace trying our best to look "right" spending time and money on precious clothes, insanely priced accessories and sly PTs for those pecs and abs that we must have to be happy...
I`m not saying that it is wrong but when it`s more important to look like trophy wives and yacht owners than to have skills of arts and crafts one starts to despair....  How much time and money is used to learn the how to`s of carpenting, song writing, ceramics and sculpting? Probaly not even a fraction of what is spent on ridiculous purses and watches.... Hopefully my next rant will be a little  less pessimistic, hope is the last thing that leaves us...
Oh, and here is some more shit i made( and some i was given aswell)!!!

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