Friday, November 16, 2012

Let chaos reign!

I have finished something! This is a big thing for me as i always seems to have a number of unfinished projects laying around and this time it was quite the project. I decided in early september that i needed a big painting in my kitchen to fill the empty walls with and started thinking what i might do... since i am a DIY kind of guy i figured that although i consider myself a happy amateur when it comes to painting i would have to do it myself.
So far so good but what kind of motive would i use and should i use vibrant colors or stick with two or three? Striking colors for me thanks!
At that time i was rereading Mike Mignolas Hell Boy and i really got in to the "main villain" the being Ogdru-Jahad a Chtuulu like beeing that schemed to be set free into our world.
It was perfect and i set forth with chipboard and paint brush and soon i had made a painting that i really liked. I felt i had to ground it a bit in "real world" mysticism so i decided to use symbols from alchemy and religion.
Doing this painting really got me going and i wanted to paint more so i thought it would be great to do all the aspects of Ogdru-Jahad, the seven who are one. So eight paintings later i have finished what just started out as a time killer and i hope you like them. I do!

And remember, only boring people gets bored!

Friday, October 12, 2012

Things are cooling of....

Sometimes inspiration just hits like a ton of bricks and all you can do is give in to it. Ride the wave so to say and se where it leaves you. It`s a bit like getting drunk in the middle of the week, you did not expect to be drunk but you got drunk and it took you to places you would not have gone and hopefully had a killer time!
To bad there is always a bit of a hangover when the wave washes you up on the shore, but that`s just to keep us humble i think....

Anyways, here is some new stuff that i have been working on. Cheers!!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The year of change....

This year has really been a year of change for me and people around me. I think it is that damned mayan calendar or something...
Anyhow, change is not just a straight line that will take you from a to z, it has it`s ups and downs but hopefully all will be well in the end.
The downside to all this change is that i find myself searching for inspiration and i have a hard time finding it, hopefully it will hit me again when things cool of a bit in the fall.

so for now i will just post some old stuff so i might get some creative juices flowing again!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Varm weather=no worries!

"The summer is here and the time is right for racing in the streets!"

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Springtime is here!

It`s that time of the year again! You can allmost hear your body tell you to not act your age but let the fifteen year old out again. So what are you waiting for? Get your shit together and let loose the hounds of art!!!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The importance of making stuff!

We rush trough everyday life in a fast pace trying our best to look "right" spending time and money on precious clothes, insanely priced accessories and sly PTs for those pecs and abs that we must have to be happy...
I`m not saying that it is wrong but when it`s more important to look like trophy wives and yacht owners than to have skills of arts and crafts one starts to despair....  How much time and money is used to learn the how to`s of carpenting, song writing, ceramics and sculpting? Probaly not even a fraction of what is spent on ridiculous purses and watches.... Hopefully my next rant will be a little  less pessimistic, hope is the last thing that leaves us...
Oh, and here is some more shit i made( and some i was given aswell)!!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

it is pretty, but is it art....

one might say that it is the million dollar question, what makes a thing a piece of art...

does it have to be made by somebody that has spent 3-5 years in some art scool af various fame or can anybody with a spray can and a few good ideas be called an artist?

what are the criterias for being an artist? what makes a man/woman an artist? dose it even have to be a human being?

can video art be called art, or do you have to paint like the masters if old? is the graffiti on the subway tunnel as much art as the guernica by Picasso? i have no answers only more questions!

instead, let`s se if you think this is art....

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Never am i going to start a blog. That is for shallow blond bimbos vith duck faces and titts bigger than the first a-bomb. Or maybe  fashion fachists with to much time on their hands who sails the sea of diarrhea called the bloggospheare.... How wrong was i...

Well i found out that there are so much more out here, like art, costom motorcykles, tabletop gaming, beer,pro wrestling and other stuff that make life worth living. So here i am, trying to make a contribution. This blog will be about all that makes life worth living, cheers!